

Junggye Yangeop Catholic Church

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1 To you, O LORD, I off my
2 in you, my God, I trust.
I save me from the shame of defeat;
don't let my enemies gloat over
3 Defeat does not come to those who
trust in you,
but to those who are quick to
rebel against you.

4 Teach me your ways, O LORD;
make them known to me.
5 Teach me to live according to your
for you are my God, who saves
I always trust in you.

6 Remmerber, O LORD, your kindness
and constant love
which you have shown from
long ago.
7 Forgive the sins and errors of my
In your constant love and goodness,
remmeber me, LORD!

8 Because the LORD is righteous and
he teaches sinners the path they
should follow.
9 He leads the humble in the right
and teaches them his will.
10 With faithfulness and love he leads
all who keep his covenant and
obey his commands.

11 Keep your promise, LORD, and
forgive my sins,
for they are many.
12 Those who have reverence for the
will learn from him path
they should follow
13 They will always be prosperous,
and their children will possess
the land.
14 The LORD is the friend of those
who obey him
and he afffirms his covenant with

15 I look to the LORD for help at all
and he rescues me from danger.
16 Turn to me, LORD, and be merciful
to me,
because I am lonely and weak.
17 Relieve me of my worries
and save me from all my
18 Consider my distress and suffering
and forgive all my sins.

19 See how many enemies I have;
see how much they I hate me.
20 Protect me and save me;
keep me from defeat.
I come to you for safety.
21 May my goodness and honesty
preserve me,
because I trust in you.

22 From all their troubles, O God,
save your people Israel!