

Junggye Yangeop Catholic Church

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1How I love you, LORD!
You are my defender.

2 The LORD is my protector;
he is my strong fortress.
My God is my protection,
and with him I safe.
He protects me like a shield;
he defends me and keeps me
3 I call to the LORD,
and he sanes me from my
Praise the LORD!

4 The danger of death was all
around me;
the waves of destruction rolled
over me.
5 The danger of death was around
and the grave set its trap for me.
6 In my trouble I called to the LORD;
I called to my God for help.
In his temple he heard my voice;
he listened to my cry for help.

7 Then the earth tremled and
the foundation of the
mountains rocked and
because God was angry.
8 Smoke poured out of his nostrils,
a consuming flame and burning
coals from his mouth.
9 H e tore the sky open and came
with a dark cloud under his feet.
10 He flew swiftly on his winged
he traveled on the wings of the
11 He covered himself wiht darkness;
thick clouds, full of water,
surrounded him.